You can download the free pack from here. The error is similar to #1 however, you need to download a free media feature pack to make this work. #2 Resident Evil 7 Error – MFplat.dll and/or MFreadweite.dll or Missing

If that doesn’t work, you should try installing the redistributables found in Resident Evil 7 directory.

The updates are recommended for both Windows 7 and 8. If your game crashes just after you start it with the given error message then you should try re-installing c++ library for windows. #1 Resident Evil 7 Crashes – Api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is Missing Resident Evil 7 Errors, Crashes, Bugs and Their Fixes So if you are facing any Resident Evil 7 errors or any other issues, feel free to browse through the following issues and their possible fixes/workarounds. However, it’s a PC game so yes, there are going to be issues due to the diversity of this platform. Performance wise, the game works great and most of you are expected to have a smooth experience. The game will be available on PC along with other platforms and as far as PC version is concerned, it’s not a bad one. However, as we got to know more about the game, it was confirmed that Resident Evil 7 is going back to its roots and will deliver a similar experience that fans have come to admire in the franchise.

When Capcom announced Resident Evil 7, many were skeptical as last couple of games weren’t exactly Resident Evil type.